Welcome! I am a self-taught pique assiette ("broken from plate")
mosaic artist who has been creating whimsical and elegant pieces since 1998. This is a wonderful way to combine my love of color, vintage pottery, china and jewelry into one alchemical medium. Each one-of-a-kind piece reveals itself to me moment by moment. I'm not always sure where the piece will go when I begin, but the piece knows!

I especially love custom work and I welcome wholesale opportunities.

You can visit my rarely-updated-but-very-cool personal web site here, and my not-updated-since-forever portfolio over on EBSQ here. Both sites contain many of my past creations, sold and commissioned, that will inspire you to lofty and dizzying heights should you wish to commission your own piece. You can also go to my etsy store to BUY STUFF NOW! Please.

email me: lauraw217@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Not Your Everyday Chalkboards

Last winter (before I changed my residence - my studio is now twice as large, thankfully!) I was asked to make two pique assiette chalk boards for Tommy's Coffee Shop at Cashiers Village.

Aided by Annie, the studio Creative Director, and the ever-present Velcro Dog, Leah, I decided to integrate as much of the coffee theme as possible.

I was lucky and managed to slice two small cups and a tiny creamer perfectly in half. It does not always work that way. Annie is inspecting a small plate from an English child's tea set that dates back to the late 1800s.

For the smaller board I used only the Universal Potteries Iris pattern and a bunch of neat cup handles. Sort of funky, but it worked for me!

And here it is today, used to announce the daily specials at Tommy's.

The larger board serves a few different functions. Sadly, after this photo was taken, a little workplace mishap occurred that found all four corners of the board needing repair.

I was lucky to have a few small chotchkies in my studio that worked perfectly. The board is now fully recovered and working hard hawking honey.

That would be Bethany, she of cinnamon bun fame, hiding behind the board.

Will grout for Temptations!

1 comment:

  1. It's cold and rainy here... makes me long for a hot, foamy, sweet Tommy's Honey Latte.....
